Reincarnation by Jeffrey W. Hamilton Text: Job 14:1-15   I.         Death is an event that puzzles many people.             A.        We know it is a step that we all must take – Ecclesiastes 8:8             B.        It is an appointment that we must keep – Hebrews 9:27             C.        Not that people don’t try. The finality of death is too final. II.        Reincarnation…

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Does the case of Shanti Devi prove reincarnation?

Question: Hi there, How do you explain the case of Shanti Devi? Why did she have the memory of her past life? She didn’t even know Jesus, so why did this happen? This has been affecting me a lot, and I even have no motivation to do anything in my life because of my weakened…

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Do people feel like they lived past lives because of demon possession?

Question: Is Matthew 12:43-45 a hint that we can have spirits enter in us and cause us to feel, think, believe or even do certain things that go against God? It’s not the same as possession is it? Also, Are the people who believe in reincarnation, and feel as if they remember having past lives,…

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Does an old lover reappear as a man’s daughter?

Question: I’ve been told that a daughter was her father’s lover in his past life. If a woman can’t get together with the man she loves, she’ll be reincarnated to be his daughter in the next life. If a female spirit falls in love with a man, she’ll be reincarnated into his wife’s abdomen to…

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Can you have an out of body experience or be reincarnated?

Question: How can I, or is there a way to, have some kind of contact with a loved one. I hear many things about out of body practices. Is this true? Is there a way where I can leave my body for a while to seek my loved family member? I once asked you a…

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What do you think about reincarnation?

Question: Basically I’m an atheist, so sometimes I compare other religions to Christianity, I found that “reincarnation” is very interesting and beautiful, it explains why some people are wealthy, some are poor, some are happy and some are in ordeal because it depends on what you did in your past life, and what you’re doing…

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