Implicitly Forbidden

by Jeff S. Smith Why do preachers often condemn things that are not even found in the Bible? Where do you ever read about gambling or pornography in your Bible? And where is dancing ever expressly forbidden? Obviously, in explicit (fully revealed) terms, these are not forbidden: there is no “Thou shalt not …” regarding…

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Is street dancing or salsa dancing biblically acceptable?

Question: Please can you tell me (so that I may pass onto my son who will not listen to me) if you think street dancing is biblical?  I said it is of the world, but he needs a biblical answer before he listens.  Also salsa dancing. Answer: It is very easy to make rules without…

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Would it be wrong to major in dance?

Question: Hello. I’ve danced since I was young. I mean artful dance like ballet, lyrical, contemporary, and such. I’ve been a Christian since the age of 12. I am not in college, but I wanted to ask would a major in dance be bad? Is it a sin? Answer: See: “Dancing in the Bible” to…

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What do you think about Christians watching cheerleaders at games?

Question: I read your article on dancing, and I was hopeful that you would have a complete sermon covering this topic.  Our class, last night, was on Christian Strategies for Social Life. Yes, pretty much dancing was discouraged.  But, and I knew it was coming, football games and cheerleading was not an issue. It was…

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Isn’t Jeremiah a poor source to argue about the inappropriateness of speedos?

Question: I came across Preaching Like Jeremiah while researching Jeremiah. There’s a lot of good stuff here, thanks. However, I was amused that you invoked Jeremiah to defend your apparent stance against speedos; considering the dirty underwear incident at the beginning Jeremiah 13. I’m now wondering if there’s a page on your site that invokes David to…

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Is liturgical dancing wrong?

Question: I have a friend that goes to a church and she is a liturgical dancer. I read all your articles on dancing and understand the views. She told me that it was her calling to dance to the Lord. Is liturgical dancing wrong? Answer: The New Testament does not contain a commandment, an example,…

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The Moral Danger of the Modern Dance

by Frank Walton Biblical Insights, Vol. 6, No. 6, June 2006. “Dancing” can be defined simply as “the rhythmic movement of the body to music” (II Samuel 6:16; Luke 15:25; Ecclesiastes 3:4). The Ryrie Study Bible notes on religious dancing in Psalms 149:3: “In the Old Testament, whirling motion done by a single individual or by a…

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How can dances at a wedding reception be bad?

Question: Hi, I am a young man who is going to be getting married. I would have loved to use the preacher at my congregation (a church of Christ) but he gave me a pamphlet of his “Do’s and Don’ts.”  Two things that he made clear of were no alcohol at the reception and no…

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Which women were considered liturgical dancers?

Question: Concerning liturgical dancing, who were the women in the Bible that were considered the dancers? Answer: The word “dancer” does not appear in the Bible. There are occasional mentions of women dancing, but there is no indication that it had any fixed part of worship. The article Dancing in the Bible contains a fairly…

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But It Is the Biggest Event of the School Year!

by Greg Litmer in That Ye May Grow Thereby It comes every year. You walk through the mall and see that J.C. Penney’s, Sears, and Macy’s have rack after rack of formals for sale, and the tuxedo rental shops are advertising special deals. Before too long a lot of young Christians across the land are going…

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I.         It is difficult to be a Christian             A.        We live in a world that says it follows the Bible, but doesn’t care what the Bible says             B.        As result we face many temptations and those we know don’t recognize the sins. II.        What do we do?             A.        Live like a hermit or monk? Withdraw from all contact with others?…

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Shall We Dance?

Text: Romans 6:1-2   I.         Dancing covers a broad range of action             A.        It can be rhythmic movement in time to music             B.        It can be movement that expresses feelings, such as joy or enthusiasm             C.        It can be complex movements designed to create emotions in another person II.        Dancing in the Bible             A.        We can find approved examples of dancing…

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Dancing in the Bible

by Jeffrey W. Hamilton We will divide the discussion of dancing in the Bible into two sections. The first section will include those Scriptures where dancing is spoken of in a favorable setting. The second section is where dancing is associated with wickedness. We will note the things that are similar within each section and…

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