Does God save people who develop Alzheimer’s?


Dear Brother Hamilton,

My sister has a friend who has been a lesbian all her adult life. This friend now has Alzheimer's. Will she now be saved because she can no longer decide to follow Christ? I'm wondering who qualifies as the mentally ill who will be saved.


You are ignoring the fact that for most of her life, this woman has been making decisions not to follow Christ. All of us have limited time to make the right decision. Many die before they realize the seriousness of their sins and their need for a Savior. While she has not yet died, she has passed the point of being able to listen to God's Word and believe (Romans 10:17). Without faith, there is no salvation (Mark 16:16).

What most people are talking about when they talk about the mentally ill, they are referring to people who, mentally, are never able to grow up. They remain child-like and would be judged as a child.


Thank you.

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