Am I appropriately spending time with God?


Good day, sir!

I have a question about whether I am appropriately spending time with God.

Every morning, I set my alarm to 5 a.m. to wake up and spend time with God before doing anything else. I wake up, turn off my alarm, turn my phone over to avoid being distracted, grab a cup of coffee (so I can wake up), and sit out in the living room to talk to God. I sit silently, speak out loud, cry, whisper — I do it all.

I sit in a chair in a dimmed, silent room; I put my legs up as I have sciatic issues. I am not down on my knees. I will sit there and talk with God, making my prayer requests known and giving thanks and praise to him. I do this for 30 minutes every morning, and then I will start my day. (I read/study my Bible at night before bed as I feel more alert and awake to dive into the word). My question is, am I spending time with God appropriately? I sometimes think it is so informal, and I need to respect my time with God more. Am I wrong for not getting on my knees to pray? Am I wrong for sipping my coffee throughout my talk with God? It’s like I am sitting there with a friend, but am I taking the reverence for The Lord to light in that aspect? Any advice or insight would be most appreciated.

Thank you for your time!


There is no defined position for prayer. See: Is it wrong to sit while praying? One position is not more reverent than another. The point is that you are focused on communicating with God, which is important.

I assume that this isn't all you are doing. It is important to join with fellow Christians in your area to worship and work for God (Hebrews 10:23-25).


Yes sir!

I faithfully attend our local Church of Christ on Wednesday evenings and Sunday Mornings (they don’t have an evening Sunday class, as the congregation is very small).

Thank you so much for your response.

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